May 17, 2018 all-day

Training Workshop on using Water Quality
Forecasting in Decision Making

Heraklion Crete, May 17th 2018

Workshop overview

One of the key tasks of Space-O is to demonstrate the applicability of the operational service line into the Water Treatment Plant (WTP) of each case study. The process of testing and validating the DSS involves stakeholders’ workshops where they will be introduced to test the DSS. For each component developed the added value to the operators will be demonstrated, including the benefits from the Early Warning System (EWS) forecasts to decision making on an operational level, the efficiency, in terms of energy and chemical usage footprint, of different process units in the WTP before and after the introduction of the DSS, the assessment of upstream risks, the engagement of citizens etc. After the workshop the users will be able to further explore and test the functionalities offered in view of the preparation of the reports related to EWS and foreseen actions and decisions making and Upstream Catchment Risk assessment for the particular case study.

Workshop agenda